Here's what the full course dinner included:
Hors D'oeuvres 特性クリスマスオードブル |
chicken meat ball, jelly fish, fish cake, gizzard strips, roast beef slices topped with greens and white asparagus, sashimi.
Below was the creamy pumpkin soup with the tiny raisin-like "dots" of truffles! We were a little disappointed at the scanty serving of truffles but the soup tasted great. At this point of the dinner, both of us started looking forward to tasting the Brie Cheese with Truffles that we had especially ordered online!
Creamy pumpkin soup with bits of truffles トリュフの香り パンプキンスープ |
Prawns with Chili Sauce( made from fresh tomatoes) with deep-fried buckwheat noodle "net" and melon breadstick オマール海老のフレッシュトマトのチリソース、 スチックメロンパン添え |
To get rid of the aftertaste of the oily shrimp dish, we were served a small serving of sherbet.
Basil and Lemon Sherbet (バジルとレモンのシャーベット) & "ShouKouSHu"(Chinese Shaoxing wine) with dried hibiscus leaves |
North Furano local beef with onion slices and red and green pimentos 上富良野産和牛もも肉 ニュースタイルチンジャオロース |
Abalone and Shark fins in creamy sauce served with hot fried rice ball topped with scallions フカヒレ姿煮と鮑の煮込み;熱々の揚げご飯とともに |
For dessert, we were served an array of sweets: Almond custard or 杏仁豆腐, deep-fried o-manju, gelatin cubes in syrup, sherbet with strawberry syrup, sweet Japanese mochi roll.
Served with hot Jazmine Tea.
Santa's presents サンタの贈り物 楽しいクリスマスデザート |
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