Saturday, February 4, 2012

"This is good!"

Sourdough Croissant
Today, I spent most of my morning baking. Today's project was Sourdough Croissant. I prepared the sponge/dough yesterday, using the 'starter' ( home-raised yeast ) I had and did the kneading, folding, shaping and baking today.  Being a novice, the process was not easy...the batter was so sticky  it was difficult to shape the croissants the way they should be.  But patience usually pays, so even if I was not that satisfied with the outcome of my effort, an unexpected, simple, and straightforward comment from someone would almost always make my day.

Upon taking a bite of the first sourdough croissant that I made, hubby said, "Umm. Kore wa ikeru...", meaning, "Hmm, this is good!." That kind of comment rarely comes from him. And today it did! So I was a bit happy...chiisa na yorokobi wo kanjimashita!

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